
...People with mobility issues can do things independently that they have never tried before. How? The main notion behind it is to give people with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy swimming, completely unassisted. SEATRAC helps people with mobility issues to travel, have fun, be independent! SEATRAC is composed of a fixed track mechanism in which a wheelchair can be moved in and out of the water. SEATRAC is environmentally friendly as it utilizes solar energy as its only power source.
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Happy SEATRACing!


This is one of our favorite sections because we get to show our engineering creativity. We want to highlight some things though that we think are super unique.
3m2. Imagine that space. That’s all it takes to store a SEATRAC.
5m2. Imagine that space. That’s all it takes to store the changing room.
Can you tell we like Tetris?
We did this for the sake of the ease of transportation and storage. Sometimes engineering isn’t only in the final product and since you’ll probably never get to see this part we had to point it out. We aren’t bragging, it’s just so cool! Right?
We are so happy that you are interested in adding a SEATRAC to your beach and beach access in general. Since each beach is unique we need to speak with you to give specifics. In general, we follow this process:
Step 1: Speak with you on the phone for all of your first general questions and to let you get to know us.
Step 2: Visit the beach that you want to install it on and hopefully meet you in person.
Step 3: Prepare a quote for you.
Step 4: Answer more questions. This usually takes the longest as this is where you decide if you want to proceed.
Step 5: We wait for the season to begin and install your SEATRAC and whichever other beach access products you want from us.
How to
Get One