Gio, 09/29/2022

Smart SEATRAC - continuous improvement!

SEATRAC is the only device in the world that provides autonomous sea access for people with disabilities. With the goal of continuous improvement in mind, TOBEA and in collaboration with the University of Patras (Hygiene Laboratory, Department of Medicine, University of Patras) and the Institute of Computer Technology & Publications (ITYE) are developing a new and improved version of it.

Using a set of sensors that will provide helpful information for all those who wish to visit the respective beach. All the information will be available online to tourist companies, municipalities, and citizens who choose coastal areas for recreation. 

  • Water and air temperature,
  • UV radiation levels,
  • Wind speed and direction,
  • Panoramic view of the beach,
  • Free parking spaces designated for disabled people,
  • Results of microbiological seawater quality.
smart seatrac